The First Grader US Release May 13, 2011

National Geographic Entertainment
The First Grader will be released in the United States on May 13, 2011 by National Geographic Entertainment. The film will be launched in New York and Los Angeles and then expanded to other US cities in the forthcoming weeks. The First Grader, based on a true story, is set in a remote primary school in the Kenyan bush where hundreds of children are jostling for a chance for the free education promised by the new Kenyan government. One new applicant causes astonishment when he knocks on the door of the school. He is Maruge, an old Mau Mau veteran in his eighties, who is desperate to learn to read at this late stage of his life. He fought for the liberation of his country and now feels he must have the chance of an education so long denied - even if it means sitting in a classroom alongside six-year-olds.
Moved by his passionate plea, head teacher Jane Obinchu, supports his struggle to gain admission and together they face fierce opposition from parents and officials who don’t want to waste a precious school place on such an old man.
The First Grader has been a hit at prestigious international film festivals since its debut at the Telluride Film Festival last September. The film went on to the Toronto Film Festival where it was the runner up for the Audience Prize and then to the Doha and Pan African Film Festivals where it won the coveted Audience Prize. The First Grader trailer can be viewed at here.
The First Grader is an uplifting true story which realistically portrays the triumph the human spirit against all odds. We urge you to go watch the film and also tell your friends about the film. Hereunder is a list of US cities and theaters at which The First Grader will be playing :
MAY 13, 2011 | |
New York | The Beekman |
Angelika Film Center | |
Los Angeles | Landmark |
May 20, 2011 | |
Atlanta | Tara Cinemas 4 |
Boston | Kendall Square 9 |
Chicago | Century Center 7 |
Renaissance Place Cinema | |
Dallas | Landmark Magnolia Pictures |
Houston | Greenway Palace Stadium 24 |
Los Angeles | Westpark 8 |
Philadelphia | Ritz 5 |
San Diego | La Jolla Village 4 |
San Francisco | Embarcadero 5 |
Washington DC | Shirlington 7 |
Bethesda Row | |
May 27, 2011 | |
Albuquerque | Devargas Mall Cinema 6 |
Austin | Arbor Cinemas at Great Hills |
Charlotte | Regal Cinemas Manor Twin |
Dallas | Angelika Film Center & Café |
Detroit | Maple Art 3 |
Indianapolis | Keystone Art |
Kansas City | Glenwood Arts |
Knoxville | Regal Downtown West Cinema 8 |
Los Angeles | Playhouse 7 |
Town Center 5 | |
Minneapolis | Edina |
New York | Cinema 100 Quad |
Clairidge 6 | |
Roslyn 4 | |
Phoenix | Camelview 5 |
Portland | Fox Tower Stadium 10 |
Salt Lake City | Broadway Centre 6 |
San Francisco | Shattuck 10 |
Seattle | Metro Cinema |
St. Louis | Plaza Frontenac |